Some more images from the trail. A beautiful little sunflower that apparently was really tasty to some bug. The leaves had nice little lacy holes chewed in them!
And I omitted the second drawing from the previous post so I thought I'd add it here. This plant grew right next to my porch in Southern Indiana. Don't know what it was but it bloomed beautiful crimson flowers and had a gorgeous green/burgundy variegated leaf. It was really tall, too. Grew about 6+ feet high.
Okay, so when I started this post I promised I would let you know what is working and what isn't on the trail.
For overnight hikes I have a Granite Gear Vapor Ki. It's a really light pack, so I have to be careful how much I pack since it's got about a 30# max capacity. I dump the plastic bin and shove my markers into a heavy duty ziploc baggie. Since space is a premium, I try to pack smart and put the least used items on the bottom and work my way up. At the top I try to keep my markers and I strap my sketchbook on the outside (still in the baggie, of course!). This has worked pretty well so far. I think the extra weight is worth it.
My winter project will be a home-made pochade box. I am hoping to be able to design and build one to fit into my backpack. My goal is to be able to paint anywhere. I still have to consider space and I may eventually have to purchase a bigger, more durable pack for the longer hikes. Remember that I have to carry everything with me at least to the campsite! So it's all got to fit into the pack along with water, clothing, food, shelter and sleeping bag!!
So that's the dilemma of the artist as backpacker.
Enjoy! -L